
My Signature Hair Styles

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Thrifty Finds, weekend Edition

Hello Glams, I hope you're enjoying the weekend as much as we are with our lovely 65° weather here in Washington DC.

This weekend I found this new thrift shop located at:
4917 Allentown Road SuitlandMD 20746. Phone: 301-967-0700

Here is a view of their huge handbag section. 

 Could you believe that last week we had 16 inches of snow on the ground and this week we have a lovely warm weather where I can go Trift shopping and present you with a new thrift location.

This location is much larger than the usual thrift store where I usually shop and I'm so excited about the prospects of my future findings at this location.
The jewelry section is also quite cute and well presented.

A lovely display of hat and Accessories were all beckoning to me. However since it was my first visit I decided to just scout out the store and see what I would probably like to get the next time I come back.
These two bags did it caught my eyes but the prices were a little bit on the steep side and discounts are only offered on Thursdays and Mondays and since this is the weekend I'll have to wait and go back and use my discount on a Monday.

This purple clutch was the only purchase I made for the day because it only cost me $3.40 and I thought it was a lovely piece to just wrap up my look venture for this particular thrift store.

Thanks for reading and if you live in my area, Washington DC, Virginia or Maryland, please feel free to drop me a line or connection and we could probably hook up sometime and check out the areas other Thrift stores that you know about.
Stay glamorous and have a wonderful weekend.

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